Tuesday, 11 October 2011

EIL 2011 Questions and Answers

EIL 2011 Management Trainee test consisted of 150 questions with 50 Aptitude + English + General Knowledge questions and 100 Technical questions.
Here are some of the questions and answers of  CSE/ IT paper. It gives an idea of what type of questions were asked in the paper.

1.) A decision table with n conditions would require how many rules
(a) n (b) 2n (c) 2^n (d) log 2 n
Ans: 2^n

2.) Find the number of comparisons to sort the list   5,7,9,13,19,22,81   using bubble sort.

3.) Background color in HTML is set using:
(a) <background>red</background>
(b) <body bgcolor="red">
(c) <body bg="red">
(d) ---
Ans: (b)

4.) DOM is:
(a) Document Object Model, a parser
(b) Document Model
(c) -- (d) None of these
Ans: Document Object Model, a parser

5.) Members of a structure are by default:
(a) private (b) protected (c) public (d) ---
Ans: public

6.) Which of the following loads an executable program into main memory:
(a) Assembler (b) Interpreter (c) Loader (d) Compiler
Ans: Loader
( NOTE: 
In computing, a loader is the part of an operating system that is responsible for loading programs. It is one of the essential stages in the process of starting a program, as it places programs into memory and prepares them for execution. Loading a program involves reading the contents of executable file, the file containing the program text, into memory, and then carrying out other required preparatory tasks to prepare the executable for running. Once loading is complete, the operating system starts the program by passing control to the loaded program code.)

7.) Number of times this loop will execute:

(a) never (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) ---
Ans: never

8.) Interrupt which can be ignored:
(a) Maskable
(b) Non-Maskable (c) --- (d) ---
Ans: Maskable

9.) Program Counter stores
(a) temporary (b) address of instruction (c) --- (d) ---
Ans: (b)

There was one more question regarding Program Counter.

10.) Resources cannot be shared in:
(a) Mutual Exclusion
(b) No Preemption
(c) Hold n wait
(d) Circular Wait
Ans: Mutual Exclusion

11.) Best Testing is in:
(a) Waterfall Model (b) Prototype (c) Iterative (d) All of these

12.) Friend function
(a) can access only public members
(b) is accessible only within the same class (c) --- (d) ---

13.) Processes A,B,C can access maximum of 3,4,6 resources respectively. What is the minimum number of rsources so that deadlock does not occur.
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) --- (d) ---
Ans: (not sure) 13

Some aptitude questions are as under:
1.) Which of these is used in power plants as a fuel:
(a) Thorium (b) Copper (c) Tin (d) Chromium

2.) Sahotya Bhasha Award was given to:

3.) Entomology is the study of:

4.) Ecology:
Relationship between humans and their surroundings


  1. Looking forward for some more questions... there wer a total of 150 questions. Please post soon.

  2. There was one more question, I don't remember it exactly. It was something like this:
    Hash code for the list -,-,-,-,11,-,- is given by key mod 7
    Memory allocated is from 0-6
    Find the memory location of 11.
    Ans:5 or 4 something

  3. how to prepare for eil exam. plz tel me any ref book name.......
